Child & Adolescent Mental Health Initiative
By Child Mind Institute and Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Having a good support network is a vital tool when struggling with mental health issues and  fighting stigma. Especially when it comes to children and adolescents. As social creatures, our relationships and connections are a basic and core need. CAMHI aims to fill the gap of lacking such a network in Greece by establishing one that provides access and support to everyone in need.

The program aims to enhance child and adolescent mental health care capacity and strengthen the infrastructure for prevention, assessment, and treatment of mental health struggles faced by children and youth in Greece.
In partnership with the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, universities, hospitals, and a network of Greek professionals specializing in child mental health and psychosocial care, and driven by the Child Mind Institute, the CAMHI will expand access to mental health care, particularly in the public sector, and offer ground-up resources in ways that can reinforce the critical work done by mental health and child protection providers across the country.

Our central idea is based on the concept of an accessible, strong network. A network that provides solutions and way outs, connection instead of isolation and support through deep scientific knowledge, yet never forgets its child-centered character. 

Work created under Strictly Design Studio

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